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Why do I need to add two descriptions
Why do I need to add two descriptions

We ask you for a web and a magazine description so your in charge of what our tribe see

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Written by Support
Updated over 4 years ago

You may have noticed that we ask for two descriptions on your vehicle when you are placing an ad. We do this to keep you in charge of how your advertisement is read by others.

Web Description
Use this field to be as informative as your advertisement item as possible. This will be the text associated to your advert online and can be read by anybody browsing the website. Let us know about the cars history, modifications, milestones, features etc.  
There more information you add here will lead to a higher engagement to your item for sale and prevent unnecessary contact from other asking the same repetitive questions.

An example of a informative web description:

Magazine Description

Every ad placed on the Just Auto platform will automatically go into our magazine publication for two editions starting from the next possible edition. We limit the amount of text for each advertisement to keep our magazines suitable size. The text in this field should be simple and to-the-point .

Depending on your advert package the magazine description field will be limited to 25 words and ranging upwards of 65 words for Premium packages. 

We ask for the web description so you can decide what information to add based on your available word count.

When you type the word remaining counter will decrease showing you how many words you can type based on your selected package.

Important: You will not be able to paste text into this field. 

When we print the magazine, your advertisement will be placed in the appropriate category automatically and the magazine description you entered will be used to describe your vehicle.

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