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Logging In - Safari

Safari browser issues you may face when logging in

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Written by Support
Updated over 4 years ago

By default Safari blocks cookies for cross-site resources. This setting will prevent our login service from performing a successful login. To ensure your profile is safe and secure we integrate our authorization services with a trusted 3rd party to keep your identity safe and give you peace of mind. This lets our developers focus on delivering you more features. 

This article contains a guide for both Desktop (OSX) and Mobile (iOS) safari versions.


  •  In the Safari app on your Mac, go to Safari > Preferences. 

  • Go to "Privacy" in the top panel and ensure the following options are unselected: "Website tracking" and "Cookies and website data". 

  •  Go to "Advanced" in the top panel and select "Show Develop menu in the menu bar" then close the preferences dialog. 

  • Go to "Develop > Empty Caches" from the top menu bar.

  • Right click on the page and select "Reload page".

  • You will now be able to login.

    Important: If the 'Log In' button takes you to a 'Safari unsupported' and you have completed the previous steps above, scroll to step 6 and click the 'SHOW LOGIN' to continue.


  • From your home screen, go to your Settings > Safari.

  • Under "Privacy & Security" section make sure "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" & "Block ALL Cookies" are both turned off.

  • Enter back into Safari app and refresh this page.

  •  Click "Show login" button below and login.

    Important: If the 'Log In' button takes you to a 'Safari unsupported' and you have completed the previous steps above, scroll to step 4 and click the 'SHOW LOGIN' to continue.

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